Sunday, 7 April 2024

Nyatria, around Zolyom

Depicted is a part of central west Slovakia, south of modern day Banska Bistrica, where about 25 years ago my in-laws went for two years to teach English as a second language.  As we're getting a little further north, the winters here are moderately cold, but the land is beautiful and the highland pastures verdant and rich with livestock.  I still need to identify the line of peaks at the top of the map; part of the Carpathians, but not the Tatras ... those are still further north.

The area is renowned for its rich deposits of gold, silver and copper, so that many hexes here are mining these metals, not just the mine hexes coloured a soft purple at the map's top.  Beszercebanya, or Banska Bistrica, was also known as "Neusohl" at the time, which means "new sand," obviously a mining reference.  "Banska" also relates to mining, while "Bystrica" means clear stream.  Beszercebanya is the Hungarian name for the town, and means "our mine."  No oppression there.

Continuing west from here.

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