Friday 20 January 2023

Bithynia, around Cide

Returning to Bithynia, there's only this small corner left, before leaving modern Turkey behind:

Everything else is south and east.  When I come back around this way, I'll be doing a great deal of Turkey ... but then Turkey is a very large country, bigger than France, so that I'll be adding to it for years to come.

Before starting on Bulgaria, I thought I'd provide a general map of the coast around the Black Sea, to demonstrate how really huge it is with this scale:

Not all of this coast is mapped, obviously.  The big swing around Constantinople on the lower left swings too far south, so it won't be done on this pass.  This is also a part of the map where the direction of hexes turns 60 degrees, which is really obvious for anyone familiar with a world map.  With tomorrow's post, if someone doesn't intervene with a request, I'll fill in the coast on the middle left, which is Bulgaria, and start moving inland from there.

The reader can see that, although I'm only doing a small part each day, it's just taken two months to map an enormous part of Europe, from Hungary through the southern tip of Poland, across the Ukraine and down into the rim of Turkey.  In another two months we'll have reached the Adriatic Sea and, I hope, be on the verge of returning to Hungary.

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