Monday 23 January 2023

Further Rumelia, west of Sizebolu

One section today, still in Further Rumelia:

It must feel a little confusing, as I'm going at this somewhat inconsistently.  I need to smooth out the west-side edge of the map as I progress.  This section fills in the gap I created in yesterday's map.

Rumelia, like much of the map, is under the control of the Ottomans in the game world.  Rumelia in Ottoman Turkish means "Land of the Romans," which was in reference to Constantinople, not Rome.  It's the same basic construction that was used for the 13th century Sultanate of Rum, that occupied central Anatolia, was also taken from the Byzantines.

Rumelia is a rolling country with wide, fertile plains; it became the home of the Bulgars after 681, once they'd defeated and driven out the Avars.  Being Turkic, the Bulgarians are human, unlike other tribes from central Asia in my world, whom are orcish in race.  They adopted Eastern Orthodoxy from the Byzantines and maintained their faith through the Ottoman occupation, unlike other parts of the Balkans that became Islamic.  However, the Bulgarian Orthodox church is isolated from the main branch of Orthodoxy, which is located in Moskva.

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