Tuesday 17 January 2023

Bithynia, around Inebolu

Continuing westward along the Anatolian coast, skirting the Bithynia shore ...

The mountains are rugged and wild ... even to where they affect the layout of the villages upon them.  This GoogleEarth aerial shot of Akcabel, with the vertical at 1:1, shows a scattering of houses along the ridge, 2,000 feet above the sea, just six miles away.

Clearly, an economy reliant upon treenut orchards, olives and grapes, which are traded for more traditional staple foods imported from abroad.  And so it has been since the time of the Hittites, most likely.

The isolation is extreme; the mountains behind form an obstacle that can be crossed on foot without excessive trouble, but is certainly past the practicality of a road.  Inebolu and surroundings might as well be an island in the Black Sea, as regards communication and trade.

The next post is a location request from a reader, most probably a place in France.  Waiting to learn the final choice that's made.

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