Friday 11 November 2022

Budapest Sanjak, east of Budapest

 Today's part is heavily populated.  Here's the map before doing any work; the white numbers indicating the infrastructure that each big, background hex has.

That "5" in the upper right corner represents a group of hills in another province, so it's unaffected by the spreading of infrastructure from Budapest, which has 1792.  That's because infrastructure is the responsibility of each individual province; it does not cross borders.  This is necessary for game play, as we want places of heavy infrastructure adjacent to places that are not - makes things interesting.  Otherwise, we'd have the same over-developed dynamic everywhere.

Doing this, I failed to notice the Danube river was missing.  Remember that the bottom two hexes from this map came from another map sheet.  Apparently the river failed to get copied.  I fix it later.

You can see from this screenshot that the section we're doing is literally on the outskirts of Budapest.

We're not going to do Budapest for months, however.  This is as far west as we go on this pass around the finished map.

Next, I determine the hex types, add in additional water courses, hills, symbols telling me which roads lead out of the hexes in which directions and towns ... and we get this, which is about as messy as we could ask for:

There should be 13 added towns, but when I took this screenshot I'd missed putting a town in the hex southwest of Nagykata.  That's also been fixed.  There are a lot of details and I'm out of my habits, so I'm finding I'm missing things from time to time.  Sometimes, the little coins, hammers and bread under the type numbers are inaccurate.  I change them when I notice.

The secret to clearing up the mess above comes from adding the roads.  Roads make everything make sense.  The towns get connected logically.

I took away the background, to give a better sense of how much cleaner the map is now.  I'll still need those infrastructure numbers for later, as the reader will see.  The Danube has been added but the missing town near Nagakata wasn't added when I took this screenshot.

Incidentally, all the towns are real places.  I've messed a bit with where they are, exactly, since I need them to align with the hexes and the map's random generation.  But all these places can be researched online; most of them have a wikipedia entry, but not all.  Here's a wikipedia entry for Jászalsószentgyörgy, appearing on the map without accents.  Sigh ... these Hungarian names.  Anyway, there's tons of information on the Hungarian wikipedia page, which can be read by simple translation.  Most of it's about the church that was built in 1701, about 50 years after my world's taking place.

Here's a completed, coloured map to finish:

 Crazy, eh?

 Hm.  The label for Tura needs moving ...

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