Saturday 26 November 2022

Halicz & Lwow, south of Stryj

Back into the mountains again:

Halicz, on the east, is a historical principality founded by Vikings, the Rus, along with Kiyev and Moskva.  Since it's decline in the 14th century it's faded considerably, depopulated and since annexed by the Polish crown.  The region itself is personally under the authority of the Polish Monarchy, since Queen Jadwiga annexed it in 1387.

I never know exactly how these areas are going to pan out until I actually create them.  I could see from the numbers there wouldn't be much, but as it turned out, not a single village was generated:

Somewhat desolate for Europe, but we'll be getting into the heavily populated part of western Ukraine next.  I did some adjustment to allow the connection between Ruthenia on the south and the cart path across the Gorgany Mountains.  I like these obscure routes.  This one is surrounded by mining hexes; usually, I judge any hex with three mountains in it as a mining hex, which is why that one type-5 in the middle is a farm hex.

The giant N and M occur because I was fiddling last night with squeezing in a label for the Carpathian mountains.  To my surprise, I made it fit:

I appreciate that I'm somewhat lax about putting in all the labels.  Often, it's because the labels just won't fit realistically inside the "mess" ... but sometimes it's just 'cause I'm lazy.

Speaking of which, I've been meaning to produce a map key for the roads and mountains, to explain there's a certain logic in how these things come around.  The roads of course are based on the roads and routes descriptions on the wiki ... but the hill and mountain systems haven't been defined until now.

The mountain size isn't a hard rule; if the hill seems peculiarly important, I'll use a mountain symbol for it, as I did for the odd hill in Tokaj.  I stick to the numbers given for the most part, however.  This makes an easy short hand to see how high the mountains are for a region ... sorry I haven't put this together until now.

Was going to say that in future, I'll be giving hammer/coin numbers for any cities I map with more than 5,000 residents, as proposed in this post on the main blog.  Over time, I'll start accumulating these numbers.

What I'd really like are some small symbols to put on the map itself, designating at least a half dozen of the more important facilities, so that these can be seen at a glance when looking over the map.  However, I've gone looking for such symbols, as they should look for a medieval map, and haven't had much luck.  If the readers would like to propose which facilities are the most important, and if anyone would like to draw and submit a symbol for use, please feel free.

1 comment:

  1. I've tried my brain at a similar list of symbols before but wasn't able to satisfy myself with both which facilities were important and medieval-style symbols appropriate for them. I'll take another crack at it guided by the Facilities list.


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