Sunday 13 November 2022

Northern Hills, west of Egri

Seems to me that I need to be sure and place a before image of the area to be mapped, going forward.  Makes it easier to see what's been changed.

This adjoins the northern edge of the intensive rural district east of Budapest; beyond the border, the population falls off, but not precipitously.  There are still numerous villages and towns, with no wilderness hexes ... despite the Matra mountains which emerge on the north, one of the features that gives the "Northern Hills" it's provincial name.

Here's the area completed:

The mountains give the area character, don't they?  They are a lot of trouble, though.  After a while of making every map a sea of mountains, I find myself yearning for the next flat plain.  For the next while, we'll be carving our way through the northern Carpathians, so we're going to have our fill of mountains and hills for a bit.  This is just the beginning.

Well, that's three sections.  Next post we move up a 20-mile rung north to do the next six "20m" hexes.  We'll keep this up until we get up to the corner of maps that have already been done (three rungs of six hexes 20m hexes each).  Here's a general shot of our progress:

We get to that corner on the upper right and then we stop going north and start going east into the Ukraine.  That should be interesting.


  1. This is Maxwell. Looking at your six Mile maps has me embarrassed about how little detail is on my 2 mile map of the area the party is in… I floated the idea of switching the game world out for the real world with the players, and they were ambivalent… They like the thing that I’ve made up. But I think they would like the real world, asinterpreted by me just as much, and I’d be able to add a lot more depth, which would improve my DMing.

    I’ll probably break off the chunk of the current made up world that they are in, jam it in place of, say, the southeast coast of Spain, which is what I’ve been basing this area on, and then do the rest of the world from there. Staying small.

    1. Edit: I was somewhat wrong to be embarrassed -- I was thinking of my 6-mile map not my 2-mile. (I think of the 6-mile map as a "2-miler" because I always show the 6-milers in terms of their constituent 2-mile wild/civilized hexes.)

      Not that anyone cares!


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